Charity Moose Licence
LHFA Members Ern Stickley, Stan Oliver (Labrador Friendship Center), Len Stickley, Tony Chubbes (President) and Hollis Yetman (VP) with a Charity Moose harvested for the Friendship Center Community Kitchen and Food Bank (March 2011) (larger version)
2010 Moose Harvest
In 2010, the LHAFA partnered with the Labrador Friendship Center to harvest a moose for their community food bank. With the assistance of his borther Len, Ern Stickley (both LHAFA members) was successful in harvesting a young bull moose from Area 84 (Traverspine) and provided about 250 Kg of delicious wild moose meat for the Food Bank and Community Kitchen. Thanks to Mr. Fred Humber of the Terringtington COOP for an excellent job in cutting and packaging the meat free of charge!

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